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Dental Materials Research Center Held Conservative Dentistry International Congress

Dental Materials Research Center of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences held The First International Congress of Conservative Dentistry to promote the conservative point of view in dental community and research. This congress took place in Isfahan University of Medical Sciences on March 1st-3rd, 2016. During this meeting, professors, dental professionals and specialists as well as dentistry students and dental technicians came together to share experiences, expertise and knowledge with local and global organizations.
With the main focus on Conservative Dentistry, professors from Isfahan School of Dentistry, Tehran School of Dentistry, Shahid Beheshti School of Dentistry, Kerman School of Dentistry, Mashhad School of Dentistry, and Isfahan University of Technology presented 65 lectures, 50 posters and 10 scientific workshops. The Congress also hosted international speakers from The Netherlands, France, Germany, and Lebanon.

Along side the congress, a dental exhibition was held which met the participant’s warm acclamation.




